Public Speaking and What You Need to Know

Speaking in front of the public is something that is feared by some people even though this is important for everyone to master. The public in question does not have to be in the tens or hundreds of people. A language course instructor, lecturer, or teacher, when teaching in a class, can be called conducting public speaking activities. Today, many people benefit from success and motivational speeches which they can get by simply reading online through the internet. To learn more about public speaking, then you can start by doing online research.

The purpose of public speaking is to communicate the message to many parties and the message conveyed can be received and absorbed properly. As good as any person speaks, but if from the moment he starts talking to the listener or the audience immediately has a poor perception of him, how can the message be received by the audience properly? So after I thought about it, it made sense also the tips above.

Being a reliable public speaker must master the material very well without having to rely on presentation slides (if necessary up to 200%, because if someone is nervous when talking, surely the performance of the presentation will decrease by half), talk to clear pronunciation and varied speech tones accompanied by supporting body language (eye contact, etc.), talking systematically and concisely, and other technical things that we are used to reading in articles or books that cover the art of public speaking.

Mastering the things above, of course, need practice regularly and time is not instant, especially for people who tend to be quiet or shy, the ability to string words and say them or make eye contact with the audience can be a challenge.

Build rapport with the audience is important; ensure that you’ll do it. To attract attention to the audience, we must try to build a ‘relationship’ with them from the moment we start talking. It’s not easy, but we can start by, for example, appreciating their efforts to be in place on time even though the traffic to the place is usually jammed. Then look for similarities between us and the audience. If we speak in front of the doctors, then we can start our presentation by telling about the experiences of people around us who have suffered from an illness, and relate it to the importance of the role of a doctor in such situations.

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